Dr. Jessica Tran

What is Environmental Medicine?

Modern life has given us comfort and convenience far beyond the imagination of our ancestors, but with that comes a prescription for trouble. The stew of pollutants, poisons, and harmful chemicals that we encounter daily can gradually build up over time, causing a myriad of diseases. Environmental medicine addresses the damage that exposure to toxicants […]


Fertility Myths

There are numerous old wives tales, home remedies and myths that one comes across when researching or discussing fertility enhancement. Infertility is a complex medical condition that involves many factors. Since working with Dr. Deborah Metzger, a reproductive endocrinologist, I’ve learned a tremendous wealth of information regarding fertility. She helped me to dispel some of my […]


Are we going MAD from Mercury?

Mercury is RISING to an alarmingly toxic level in humans and may be making some people as mad as a hatter! I’ve wondered whether certain celebrity “melt-downs” may in fact be attributed to mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning is real and there is plenty of evidence to document its lethality in humans, from the Chinese Emperor […]